The Nonsense of President Trump’s Inauguration

By Askold Lozynskyj

There was plenty of nonsense, but most of it did not or will not matter except for the moment and only for those who applauded, standing up. Self-aggrandizement is the main affliction of psychopaths and Trump simply showed this symptom again in front of the whole world. This is the first time in US history that world leaders were invited but few showed up. They did not want to appear as clowns in this circus. Without a doubt, many viewed it silently or even with exclamations on various networks.

Trump did not catch them off guard. They got what was expected. That is, the most powerful state in the world has a sick psychopath as a leader. And not just an ordinary leader who can be controlled to some extent by the US Constitution. Is he dangerous? Without a doubt, because Trump sat on the Constitution and did not keep his hands on the Bible. America has transformed, through a democratic process, into an oligarchic system of government, and the oligarchs have realized that this is to their advantage. The danger is that all branches of power are in the hands of one psychopath with a delusion not only of grandeur but also of controlling and ordering everyone.

Trump spoke about the prospect of the future as a golden age of America, that is, insulting all his predecessors as usual. He spoke about geographical expansionism, which completely contradicts the policy of the last eighty years of America. America expanded back in the 19th century, but not at the expense of the sovereignty of other states, but only their colonies. When America takes Panama or Greenland (and maybe Canada, because madness allows everything), why can’t Russia take Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, Poland, etc.

Trump repeated the nonsense about saving his life from an assassination attempt by the Lord himself because the Lord has a purpose for him, as if he were a messenger of the Lord himself. For this fable, not one but five prayers were arranged during the circus, two Catholic, two Protestant with one dark-skinned representative because it was the symbolic birthday of Martin Luther King, and one Jewish prayer invoking the prophet Jeremiah as if Trump were a modern prophet Jeremiah. Apart from the prayer of the Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan from New York who actually led a prayer, everyone was mercilessly scrambling for the political benefit of the new President. The farce was so great that even Trump himself laughed.

The Capitol rotunda, ironically where Trump tried to stage a coup in 2021, was covered with Trump apostles, who knows how many participated in the January 6, 2021 sedition, only now wearing a tie. They stood up and applauded every two minutes as America moved from democracy to dictatorship and oligarchy. They applauded at the greatest stupidities that their leader repeated. Then Trump issued an Executive Order to pardon the criminals of January 6, 2021 as predicted.

It was a truly a black day for America because, as Trump himself repeated several times, everything changed on election day. The majority of Americans voted for Trump and Trump won in all the states where there was once a question of his support. This became proof of his

version of the truth and the cleansing of all his sins, criminal charges and a mandate for his dictatorship.

Trump emphasized not only his victory but the victory of the American people, that is, this manifestation of the will of the American people indicates the direction of this country. Americans are an Uber nation, all others are Unter, similar to Hitler’s political doctrine. America will be guided exclusively by what benefits Americans, moral principles will be irrelevant. After all, this is American nationalism or, in fact, American neo-fascism. This gave new meaning to the term “the ugly American”.

I must say that the absence of other world leaders in this farce is very indicative. The world sees before it a parody that must be addressed, but not approved. This spectacle, in one episode or image, showed how far America has slid to the nadir of its history.

There is no need to sympathize with America. Its long-standing arrogance has resulted in today’s democratic ruin. Rather, it is necessary to fight such an America, especially from the inside. Silence means approval. Putin’s Kremlin could not have arranged a better holiday for the world’s imperialists.

Trump is almost 79 years old. If he lives or survives until 2029, he will be the oldest president in American history. But it is unnecessary to hope for a democratic revolt. God also does not help those who do harm to themselves. Next to Trump stands a second psychopath. Accepting this farce will mean that the farce of America will outlive its main actor. A dark era has begun for America and a little for the whole world.


January 21, 2025